Version 23
Downloading Version 23 can easily be done right from this page. You must have a Version 23 license to run this file. If you need to order the upgrade to Version 23, please call us at 508-760-1140 and we will be happy to assist you.
Downloading & Installing the Current Version
Click on the Version 23 download link below. This should prompt you to save the file to your hard drive. If it does not prompt you to save the file, RIGHT click on the link and then click "Save Target As" or "Save Link As." This will give you the option to save the file to your computer.
You should select your Desktop for the save location
The file will begin to download to your computer. The update file can be large, so it may take a while.
Once the file has downloaded, you may get the option to RUN the update file. You should make sure KCD Software, and any other programs are not running, then run the update.
If you are not asked to run the update, you can double click on the file that is on your desktop. Make sure that file has completely finished downloading first.
Follow the installation instructions as they come up. This will update your KCD Software program to the latest version.
Version 23.006 Full Download
Compatible with: Windows 11 | Windows 10
If you are installing KCD Software Version 23 for the first time, please click the link below to download the full installation.
Please note that if you are installing Version 23 on a different computer that does not have internet access; You will need to save the files on a USB memory drive or an SD card, then plug your memory device into the computer where you want to run the software. You can then locate it in Windows File Explorer and can run the program by double-clicking on it.
Once you have downloaded the setup program, click "Run" or double click the setup icon to run it.
Setup_KCD_Full_23006.exe - Full download of KCD Software Version 23 (for first time installations).
Version 23.006 Update Files
Compatible with: Windows 11 | Windows 10
If you already have KCD Software Version 23 installed on a different computer that is not connected to the internet, click on the link below to download the latest version. You will need to save the file to either a USB memory drive or SD card. You can then locate it in Windows File Explorer and run the program by double clicking on it.
Important: Do not install any version 23 updates unless you are a registered Version 23 user.
KCD Software will not allow you to load a job into an earlier version of the program. For example, you cannot load a job created in KCD Software Version 23.001 into a computer running KCD Software Version 10.103 (or any version earlier than 23.001). Make sure to update all your KCD Software installations.
(If you are evaluating Version 23 of KCD Software, make sure to install Version 23 in a separate directory other than your version of KCD Software that you use on a regular basis.)
Setup_KCD_Update_23006.exe - Updates for your KCD Software Version 23. (For computers with KCD Software Version 23 already installed)
Minimum System Requirements
A multi-core processor with at least 8 GB of unused hard drive space. Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system. 8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended for 4K or higher displays). Screen resolution 1920 x 1080 or higher. Standard USB port recommended. An internet connection and e-mail account are recommended. I5 or better processor and/or more cores will render 3D images more quickly. It is important to have the most current Windows update.
KCD Software is not operable on an iPad or Android tablet but functions beautifully on an Intel-based PC Tablet: Full Windows 10 or Windows 11 tablet with 8GB of RAM, an i5 or better processor, along with a rear-facing camera.