If you are unable to use the online update built into KCDw, you can download updates for Version 7 right from this page, using the following instructions. You must have Version 7 to run this file. Note: Trial versions cannot be updated online.
Downloading and installing the update
Double click on the link at the bottom of the page..
This should prompt you to save the file to your hard drive. If it doesn't prompt you to save the file, RIGHT click on the link and then click Save Target As, to choose where you want to save the file.
It is highly recommended that you choose your Desktop as a save location.
The file will begin to download to the location you identified on your hard drive. The update file is large (20+ megabytes), so it may take up to an hour or more on a dial-up connection.
KCD should NOT be running when you install any updates. Backup your KCD before running the updates.
Once the file has finished downloading to your Desktop, double click on the file to run the update procedure and install the files.
Follow the installation instructions as they come up. This will update your KCD program to the latest version.
Version 7.059 update file
Full file name Setup-KCD-7059-Update.EXE
File size 22.5 MB
Use this page for more information on restoring shop standards
Restoring Shop Standards
When doing online updates your shop standards will be overwritten. However, restoring the shop standards is very easy to do. KCD saves shop standards with every job it saves. To restore your shop standards, you need only load a job of yours. Once the job is loaded, click on the Change menu item and then Set Shop Standards. Take a quick look through the standards to make sure they are correct, then click on the save standards as permanent. You have now restored your shop standards.
Note: Doing updates will not change any custom cutlists or price methods you have created. Updates will change the default (the methods labelled KCD or !!KCD) parts and pricing methods. Always make a copy of these and make changes to the copy.
If you are downloading this update file and your KCD is on a different computer, which is not connected to the Internet, you will need to save the file to either a USB memory drive or burn it to a CD ROM. You can then locate it in Windows Explorer and run the program by double clicking on it.